Author of texts, books, installations, multimedia pieces. Writings on cinema, new media, design and food. Alok b. Nandi’s writings appeared in publications about art & sciences, new media, design, cinema. Articles for magazines Inside Internet, Publish (IDG), … are not listed here.
Alok b. Nandi, Peter Ghyczy designing, la Charte, 2018
Alok b. Nandi, Giovanna Massoni (Ed.), Multiple Plan – Design Crossroads in Belgium, Editions Dupuis, 2010, ISBN 978-2-8001-5025-3
Alok b. Nandi, Ajaykumar, Zero – an art book on the confluence of art, technology, science and philosophy, London, 2008, Goldsmiths University of London & Fluxtopia
Alok b. Nandi (Ed.), Nemai Ghosh (Phot.), Satyajit Ray at 70, Eiffel Editions, Brussels, 1991, ISBN 293001007X, Preface by Henri Cartier-Bresson
Alok Nandi, Food Design, in Design for Change, BlackJack Editions, 2011, Paris, ISBN 978-2-918-063-16-2
Alok Nandi, Foodmood – the narrative facets of food, in We can change the weather (Ed. Marleen Wynants), Crosstalks & VUB Press, 2010, ISBN 978 90 5487 692 2
Alok Nandi, Open Sauces : Open Tastes, in Open Sauces (Ed. M. Kuzmanovic, S. Engelen, A. Chipperfield), FoAM, 2009, ISBN 978-90-810733-0-1
Food, culture and the environment – the three pillars of this book – have an intricate relationship that extends back to the origin of humans as a social species. To survive, we eat; to eat, we feed the environment that feeds us – food is a product of the reciprocal connection to our ecological habitats.
Alok Nandi, Avatars et autres extensions, in Jules Verne, savoir rêver, savoirs rêvés, Mundaneum, 2005, ISBN 2-930178-20-5
Alok Nandi, Frames: At the Edge and Beyond, Constructing the Emerging Languages in Computer-Mediated Narratives and Communications, in Heide Hagebolling, ed, Interactive Dramaturgies: New Approaches in Multimedia Content and Design, Springer, 2004, ISBN 3-540-4426-5
Alok Nandi, Mixed Reality Story-telling: Story-setting and Story-sharing, Digital Art & Culture, 2003, Melbourne, Australia
Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal, Transfiction, chapter 2, pp. 13-33, in M. Eskelinen and R. Koskimaa (eds), CyberText – Yearbook 2000, Publications of the Research Centre for Contemporary Culture 68, 2001, ISBN 951-39-0905-0
The collection includes several essays that examine, broadly speaking, literary texts infused with computer technologies. These include Raine Koskimaa’s admirably thorough reading of Stuart Moulthrop’s Victory Garden; Janez Strehovec’s study that grapples with aspects of literature made possible only when delivered on the Internet; “Introduction to Cybertext Narratology,” an ambitious piece by Markku Eskelinen that blends Aarseth’s cybertextual categories, recent narrative theories, postmodern constructions, and specific practices drawn from work of the OuLiPo; and “Transfiction,” a remarkable article by Alok Nandi and Xavier Marichal that explores the “mixed reality” that occurs when the virtual and the real overlap—transfiction is achieved when a computer’s graphic interface joins a web camera whose real-time images become part of the virtual landscape. The influence of Aarseth’s notion of “nontrivial effort” required to read and build pathways through ergodic literature (a notion that shifts attention from the literary object to the person reading it) is greatly enhanced by the attention in many of these essays to the sort of cooperation, interest, and patience that keeps the user engaged.
Excerpt from Electronic Book Review

Alok b. Nandi, Calcutta et cinéma: la maison et le monde
in Calcutta 1905-1971, Au coeur des créations et des révoltes du siècle
Editions Autrement, Paris 1997, ISBN : 2-86260-673-1

Collection : Mémoires
Calcutta du sang et des arts, Calcutta artiste et rebelle. C’est elle qu’on va ici mettre en scène, entre la révolte swadeshi, qui marque l’entrée dans le siècle, et le mouvement naxalite, écrasé dans le sang en 1971 : Calcutta des manifestants et des groupes terroristes, des grévistes et des militants, des femmes et des poètes.
Cet ouvrage a été dirigé par Jean-Luc Racine
Paritosh SEN | Tanika SARKAR | Sumit SARKAR | Gaston ROBERGE | Ashok MITRA | Alok NANDI | Paul GREENOUGH | Leonard GORDON | Suranjan DAS | Mahasweta DEVI | Sunil GANGOPADHYAY | France BHATTACHARYA | Sumanta BANERJEE | Jean-Luc RACINE
Marc Cavazza, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Sean Crooks, Alok Nandi, Mark Palmer, Marc Le Renard, Causality and virtual reality art, Proceedings of the 5th conference on Creativity & Cognition, London, United Kingdom, 2005, ISBN:1-59593-025-6
M. Cavazza, F. Charles, O. Martin, A. Nandi, X. Marichal, Compelling Experiences in Mixed Reality Interactive Storytelling, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 3rd – 5th June 2004, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Marc Cavazza, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Simon Hartley, Paolo Libardi, Matthew J. Barnes, Mikael Le Bras, Marc Le Renard, Louis Bec, Alok Nandi: New ways of worldmaking: the Alterne platform for VR art. ACM Multimedia 2004: 80-87
Fred Charles, Marc Cavazza, Steven J. Mead, Olivier Martin, Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal: Compelling experiences in mixed reality interactive storytelling. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2004: 32-40
Marc Cavazza, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Simon Hartley, Paolo Libardi, Matthew J. Barnes, Mikael Le Bras, Marc Le Renard, Louis Bec, Alok Nandi: ALTERNE: Intelligent Virtual Environments for Virtual Reality Art. Smart Graphics 2004: 21-30
Marc Cavazza, Fred Charles, Steven J. Mead, Olivier Martin, Xavier Marichal, Alok Nandi: Multimodal Acting in Mixed Reality Interactive Storytelling. IEEE MultiMedia 11(3): 30-39 (2004)
Alok b. Nandi, Mixed Reality Story-telling : Story-setting and Story-sharing, DAC 2003, Melbourne, Australia
Mixed Reality Story-telling is explored by immersing real actors in virtual settings, while breaking the narrative design process into story-setting with story flows: in this paper, the author analyses the specific architecture of virtual and actual spaces allowing the interactors to live a narrative or poetic experience.
Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal: Is Seeing Touching? Mixed Reality Interaction and Involvement Modalities. International Conference on Virtual Storytelling 2003: 198-207
Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal: Senses of spaces through transfiction. IWEC 2002: 439-446
Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal Intuitive Visual Interaction for Transfiction, Conference on artistic, cultural and scientific aspects of experimental media spaces, Netzspannung, CAST01, September 21-22, 2001, pp. 85-88.
Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal Interactive Immersive Transfiction, in O. Balet, G. Subsol and P. Torguet (Eds): ICVS01 (International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, Avignon, September 2001), LNCS 2197, Springer-Verlag, pp. 44-47
Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal, Transfiction, Virtual Reality International Conference 2000, Laval, May 2000, pp. 76-88