On 18th of January 2024, Alok Nandi is giving a keynote on communication and presentation skills, focusing on narrative and design, in the IAPCO EDGE Seminar, co-organised by Antwerp Convention Bureau, VisitFlanders, Semico. The theme for IAPCO EDGE Antwerp is …

Antwerp IAPCO EDGE Read more »

Alok Nandi is giving an open lecture on December 21st 2023 at the Department of Planning, Design,Technology of Architecture – PDTA, La Sapienza, Università da Roma : “Design/ing interactions in hybrid scapes • A parcours on what and how is design servicing …

La Sapienza, Università da Roma Read more »

BECI (Brussels Enterprises Commerce & Industry) is the result of a partnership between the Brussels Chamber of Commerce and the Union of Enterprises of Brussels: two private non-profit companies, managed by and for their members, founded on an interprofessional, neutral and …

IxDA Brussels Meet-up at BECI Read more »

WBDM – Wallonie Bruxelles Design Mode – has commissioned Alok Nandi to work on a series of workshops – in French language – on strategic design for creative industries, focusing on international development for creative entrepreneurs. WBDM propose une nouvelle …

Strategic Design – Workshops en stratégie à l’exportation Read more »

Welcome to paradigm.brussels, Infrabel, KBC Bank & Verzekering, TriFinance Belgium, Service public de Wallonie, RTL, River Cleanup for joining this co-creation journey ! This 4th Cisco BeLux Innovation Challenge offered 3 days of team dynamics & cocreation techniques (Design Thinking …

Keynote and Jury Member for Cisco BeLux Innovation Hackathon Read more »