DESIGN IS IN EVERYTHING – LET’S CATCH A DREAM and get inspirations from professional designers/architects/filmmakers or artists/poets/performers every month. Recommended to anyone who would like to meet and interact with the most creative people in Sofia. This is an informal …

Sofia PechaKucha Night Vol. 22 Read more »

What’s Next stands as Pearl Academy’s flagship event; a quest to demystify the future trajectory of creativity-technology convergence. Our chosen theme for this year seeks to explore the dynamic landscape where creativity and technology collide and ways in which we …

Bengaluru Pearl Academy: What’s Next Read more »

On 18th of January 2024, Alok Nandi is giving a keynote on communication and presentation skills, focusing on narrative and design, in the IAPCO EDGE Seminar, co-organised by Antwerp Convention Bureau, VisitFlanders, Semico. The theme for IAPCO EDGE Antwerp is …

Antwerp IAPCO EDGE Read more »

Alok Nandi is giving an open lecture on December 21st 2023 at the Department of Planning, Design,Technology of Architecture – PDTA, La Sapienza, Università da Roma : “Design/ing interactions in hybrid scapes • A parcours on what and how is design servicing …

La Sapienza, Università da Roma Read more »

Restitution ImagesIn 2022-2023,le jeudi 30 novembre 2023 à 18h en salle d’exposition,ENSP, Ecole nationale supérieure de la photographie, Arles. ImagesIn consiste pour des jeunes artistes, diplômés de l’ENSP, à co-concevoir, avec des élèves et des équipes enseignantes d’établissements du territoire …

ImagesIn 2022-23 Exposition Read more »